Keeping Him

· Bishop Brothers წიგნი 4 · Kennedy Fox
51 მიმოხილვა

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Keeping HimÊis a full-length 125k+ words standalone novel thatÕs filled with intense chemistry, slow-burn tension, and plenty of angst! Let Kennedy Fox take you to the South for an explosive hot adventure thatÕll surely leave your Kindles on fire!

Jackson Bishop is your typical playboy.Ê

Unpredictable, charming, and overly confident.

Growing up in Texas, the ranch life is all heÕs ever known. Horses and late night partying are his lifestyles, and all the local girls know it too. Riding lessons arenÕt the only things taught at the stables, and he makes sure clients never leave unsatisfied. Everyone knows JacksonÕs a wild card, but not everything is as it seems. He may be a womanizer on the surface, but heÕs hiding deep feelings about the one whoÕs had his heart since he was a teen. Unfortunately, itÕs not as simple as roping her in and claiming her as his.

Kiera Young is well-known for her sassy nature and outgoing personality. Though sheÕs one of the best horse trainers in the area, sheÕs never been able to tame her best friend and the man sheÕs secretly loved since she was fifteenÑJackson Bishop. SheÕs waited years for him to confess his true feelings but as time goes on, she decides sheÕs done waiting. Kiera finally meets a man who promises to give her the world, and when he pops the question, she says yesÑknowing theyÕre both ready to settle down and start a family.

Even if her heart beats for another man.Ê

JacksonÕs certain heÕs lost Kiera for good and has no one to blame but himself. However, on the day of her wedding, he canÕt bring himself to watch the woman he loves walk down the aisle to someone else. KieraÕs already having second thoughts and knows she canÕt get married without his support. ItÕs not until sheÕs at the altar that she realizes she canÕt let Jackson go and will do whatever it takes to keep himÑeven if it means running out on her own wedding.

This is book 4 in the Bishop Brothers series. Each book features a different brother and can be read as a complete standalone. HEA guaranteed!*

Not suitable for readers under 18 due to adult language and sexual content.

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51 მიმოხილვა

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