I just walked, not concerned if I'd live or die. Strange how things change. How a little house, a dog, and a total stranger worked their way into my heart and soul when I didn't think I had either of those things left anymore. I thought I was too old for all of it, certainly too old to care much for my own wellbeing. But the others? Having them around changed my outlook, made me protective.
When new dangers appeared, having friends made me truly understand one thing: fear.
SPR review: 5 stars "While a book about outcasts banding together may seem as overdone a trope as zombie fiction itself, once again I have to assure anyone reading this that the author, Keith Soares, is in all ways a step above those expectations in his ideas and his execution... I don't recommend reading this book; I recommend reading every book this author publishes, as I have no doubt he will continue raising the bar."
IndieReader review: 4.5 stars "Soares paints a frightening, realistic picture of life in a post-apocalyptic world... It’s refreshing to read a book in this vein that allows the reader to explore a protagonist’s anguish without relying on a flat, twenty-something hero."
"This book should come with a warning: You will not be going anywhere for a while once you read the first chapter."
"'The Hopeless Pastures' is a worthy sequel to 'The Oasis of Filth' — a story that stands on its own, but also expertly sets up the final chapter to this compelling series."
"Boy does the author deliver. The dramatic arcs of the story are like riding a great rollercoaster."
"Soares does a masterful job of making the situations and outcomes seem eerily plausible, which heightens the creepiness factor and suspense immensely for me."
Keith Soares is an American speculative fiction author who has a potentially unhealthy obsession with Godzilla, so it’s no coincidence that kaiju have made it into some of his stories. His favorite question to ask when writing is, “How would I respond if that really happened, right now?” If he saw a raving, bloodthirsty shamble, he’d call it a zombie. If he suddenly couldn’t be hurt by fire, he’d call that superpowers. If he could harness electricity at will, he’d call that magic.
More than anything, Keith writes stories about family, whether that means the parents that gave birth to you or the friends you’ve had for years. His characters are fiercely loyal, though they often feel like they aren’t up to the job of whatever disaster they’re living through. We all feel that way, sometimes.