Kidnapping the Viscount: A Regency Hero Plays Hard to Get Comedy Romance

Marriage by Fate መጽሐፍ 5 · Ruth Ann Nordin
87 ግምገማዎች

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Miss Heather Duff met the love of her life. Then she let him go. And now she's determined to get him back. 

If there's one thing Heather regrets, it's that she let Lord Powell go. She listened to other people tell her what to do, so when Lord Powell proposed, she said no. It was the worst mistake she's ever made, and now she's determined to prove to Lord Powell that she wants a second chance.

Gill Easton, Viscount Powell, has never stopped loving Miss Duff. But a gentleman has his pride to protect. He can't just let her walk back into his life as if nothing ever happened. And this puts him in a dilemma. 

He'll have to resort to unusual methods in order to get the lady of his dreams to marry him. In this case, the unusual method is to convince her to kidnap him…without letting her know he’s the one behind the whole scheme.

Don't miss this romantic comedy featuring a feisty heroine, a hero who has to play hard to get, a meddling brother who doesn't take even a minute to listen to what someone is trying to tell him, and a friend who doesn't mind any kind of scandal so long as the cause is true love. 

ደረጃዎች እና ግምገማዎች

87 ግምገማዎች


Ruth Ann Nordin is the author of seventy romances ranging from Regencies to historical westerns to contemporary romances.  She currently lives in Montana where she's lucky enough to spend most of her days with her fictional characters who often seem more real to her than those around her. To find out more about her books, go to


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