Kowloon Bay: Abby Kane FBI Thriller #6

Abby Kane FBI Thriller 6. kniha · Ty Hutchinson
75 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

Her husband was brutally killed three years ago. Now, he’s the prime suspect in a murder investigation.

After the murder of her husband in Hong Kong, FBI Agent Abby Kane moved her family to San Francisco as a way to start over. During a return visit to Hong Kong, Abby discovers an unthinkable secret that has her questioning the entire family she married into and believing her late husband might have been a deadly killer.

Pick up this captivating, suspense-filled thriller now.

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75 recenzií

O autorovi

Ty Hutchinson is a USA Today Bestselling Author. His love of travel and food has taken him to over thirty-five countries, giving his books an international flair.

Hutchinson currently writes the Abby Kane FBI Thrillers, featuring the short and feisty Abby Kane. She made her debut in Corktown, which became a Kindle #1 bestseller shortly after its release. Hutchinson also writes the page-turning Sei Assassin Thrillers. Follow Sei as she searches for her missing daughter.

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