· The Wedding Ring 1-kitob · Sotuvchi: Harlequin
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The Wedding Ring

He was everything she shouldn't want….


After years of desperate searching, Adam Wallace had finally discovered his kidnapped son living in the Pennsylvania Dutch heartland. But before Adam could reclaim his child, he had to prove his worth to lovely schoolteacher Mariah Fisher, who held the key to his future with his son.

Mariah couldn't deny that Adam was a loving and devoted father—or that his kisses stirred her desire. But though she longed to make a home with Adam and his son, was she willing to risk everything for the love of a man whose life was so different from her own?

The Wedding Ring. Wrapped in the warmth of family tradition, three couples say "I do!"

Muallif haqida

Beverly Bird turned seriously to writing when she was 22. Before that she worked for a newspaper in the advertising department. After being laid off, she decided that it was now or never and Emeralds in the Dark was born, published by Silhouette to launch the Intimate Moments line in 1983. Since then, Beverly has published 20 books with Silhouette as well as several romantic suspense and historical novels.

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