Lady in Waiting Student Edition

· Destiny Image Publishers
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Lady in Waiting Student Edition is a fresh and exciting way to enhance your personal life and enrich your spiritual journey.

This edition of Lady in Waiting includes:

  • Original text of the best-selling book - complete and unabridged!
  • Getting To Know Yourself Better Quizzes - Discover the "real you" with probing and provoking questions such as:

    1 - Your non-Christian friends, if asked about your faith, would most likely say: A. "I think she goes to church."
    2 - "She doesn't say much, but I know she believes in God."
    3 - "I don't agree with everything she says, but she's the nicest person at our school.
    4 - "Are you kidding? She's a Christian?"
    5 - "She's an OK friend, but she talks about morals and Bible stuff too much."

You will learn how to apply the principles taught in Lady in Waiting to your life, knowing that God is with you every step of the way. The questions, quotes, thoughts, and teachings help you become the woman God designed you to be.

The spiritual truths you gain will bring you to new places in your experience with God and prepare you for deeper levels of loving relationships. You will have the confidence to step out into life every day with a smile on your face and a song in your heart!

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