Leads & Lynxes

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৫ টা পৰ্যালোচনা

এই ইবুকখনৰ বিষয়ে

Be careful what you ask for...

Kylie got into journalism to write important stories. Ones about gargoyles and dryads, elemental warriors, and thwarted magical attacks on her city. The bigger the story, the better. So when she lands the opportunity to ask an enchanted everlasting tree for the answer to any question she desires, she doesn’t have to think about it. She wants the story of a lifetime.

So does her nemesis, Nathan. If anyone is going to write a high-profile story, the senior journalist believes it should be him—and Nathan’s not above playing dirty to get his way. Kylie must work fast or risk losing control of her story.

But with every new lead forcing Kylie and her gargoyle companion, Quinn, deeper into a deadly maze of murder, warped magic, and monstrous beasts, rushing could prove fatal. Kylie is determined to publish her dream story, but she is beginning to wonder...will she survive long enough to write it?

From the USA Today bestselling author of the Gargoyle Guardian Chronicles comes an extraordinary new series filled with elemental magic, mythic creatures, and heroic gargoyles.

Pick up your copy of this action-packed fantasy today!


"You'll be swept up in Kylie's story and the magical world she lives in from page one." (Reading Between the Wines Book Club)


"Chastain’s take on classic monsters is wonderfully original...Leads and Lynxes is a terrific first book in a new urban fantasy/paranormal romance series." (ev0ke Magazine)


"I enjoy how many different weird and wonderful magical creatures we're getting to meet." (Goodreads Review)


"Leads and Lynxes is a mix of mystery and fantasy, with a good dose of action and a hint of romance....I really like the world the author has created, especially the characters." (Musings of a Bookish Kitty) 


"there is never a dull moment" (Goodreads Review)



Deadlines & Dryads (prequel)

Leads & Lynxes

Headlines & Hydras

Muckrakers & Minotaurs


Magic of the Gargoyles

Curse of the Gargoyles

Secret of the Gargoyles

Lured (a newsletter-exclusive novella)

Flight of the Gargoyles


Magic by Starlight (Books 1-3)


Available in ebook, print, and audiobook


Rebecca Chastain is the USA Today bestselling author of the Gargoyle Guardian Chronicles fantasy trilogy and the Madison Fox urban fantasy series, among other works. Inside her novels, you'll find spellbinding adventures packed with mythological creatures, elemental magic, heartwarming characters (human and otherwise), and page-turning action. Rebecca lives in Northern California with her charming husband.

She has yet to encounter a living gargoyle, but that doesn't stop her from looking.

Find out more at RebeccaChastain.com.

মূল্যাংকন আৰু পৰ্যালোচনাসমূহ

৫ টা পৰ্যালোচনা

লিখকৰ বিষয়ে

Rebecca Chastain is the USA Today bestselling author of the Gargoyle Guardian Chronicles fantasy trilogy and the Madison Fox urban fantasy series, among other works. Inside her novels, you'll find spellbinding adventures packed with mythological creatures, elemental magic, heartwarming characters (human and otherwise), and page-turning action. Rebecca lives in Northern California with her charming husband.

She has yet to encounter a baby gargoyle, but that doesn't stop her from looking.

Find out more at RebeccaChastain.com.

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