Learn French with short stories: Le tour du Québec: Learn French

À la découverte du Canada series 2. liburua · Frédéric Janelle
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Liburu elektroniko honi buruz

À la découverte du Canada will help you learn French by reading great stories that take place in Canada. Follow Paco, a young Mexican student, as he travels across the country. His new experiences will transform him from a shy student into a confident young adult.

This book will not only help you learn French but also learn about Canadian culture and way of life. Since the stories take place in Canada, you will also get to know some French-Canadian words and expressions.  Each story starts with a cute drawing, is written in plain language and ends with a useful French-English dictionary.

Learn French. French learning. Learning French with stories.

Book Summary

Le tour du Québec

Paco has been living in Montreal for a few months. Now he’s ready to leave the city and visit other parts of “La belle province” of Québec. He gets to jump from a plane with a parachute, finds love, tries his hand at canoe camping, and much more. 

Egileari buruz

Frédéric is a Canadian lawyer and author of books for French-learning. He is a polyglot who understands the joys and challenges of learning a new language. Frédéric is also active on YouTube where he gives tips on 

French learning and talks with people who have immigrated to Canada. 


J'écris mes livres pour apprendre le français avec des histoires captivantes qui permettent au lecteur de voyager à travers le Canada. De cette manière,  le lecteur apprend tout en s'amusant!

J'utilise des structures de phrase simple ains que des verbes et des mots utilisés couramment. J'ai inclus un dictionnaire français anglais à la fin de chaque histoire ainsi qu'une liste des 30 verbes les plus utilisés en français avec des exemples tirés de mes histoires.

Je vous invites à partir à l'aventure  avec moi au Canada afin de partager ma langue, mon histoire et ma culture. 

Bonne lecture!

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