Learning at Home Pre K-3: Homework Activities that Engage Children and Families

· Simon and Schuster ээс худалдаалагдав
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Families play a critical role in helping young children develop a solid academic foundation and love of learning. Numerous examples have proven time and again that children’s learning behavior is strongest when reinforced with activities, social interactions, and play. In Learning at Home, PreK–3, Ann Barbour stresses the importance of getting parents involved with their children’s education through engaging homework activities. Bursting with activities to foster learning on many levels, this book also offers ideas for teachers on how to include parents in their children’s education. Discover hundreds of fun activities designed to:

Relate learning directly to children’s own experiences
Include shared reading experiences, family projects, and games
Integrate developmental and content areas, including language and literacy, mathematics, science, and the creative arts
Promote literacy learning in homes where English is not the primary language
And more

This book gives teachers the tools to reach out to families and provides parents with the guidance to reinforce learning both in school and at home. Complete with tips on how to encourage parent involvement, data to support family commitment to the child’s education, and activities that young students will enjoy doing at home with their families, Learning at Home is a fantastic resource to promote the joy of learning at home.

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Ann C. Barbour is a former preschool and elementary teacher with over thirty years of experience in the field of early education. With this knowledge she has coauthored two other books to help reinforce the importance of a home–school connection, and also helped develop a children’s television series. She lives near Los Angeles, California.

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