
· Open Road Media
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The love between a Union officer’s daughter and a Cherokee man is threatened by the Civil War in this sweeping romance by a New York Times–bestselling author.
A “passionate tale of Native American history, family feuds, and romance,” this saga by a multimillion-selling author begins in Springfield, Massachusetts, in May 1860 (Booklist). The Civil War looms as nineteen-year-old Diane Parmelee, spirited daughter of a Union officer, reunites with her former childhood sweetheart, the broodingly handsome Cherokee Lije Stuart. Passions flare once again between the blond beauty and the accomplished Harvard University law student. But as two hearts come together, the promise of marriage is short-lived. Despite her undying love, Diane can’t bring herself to accept Lije’s conditions for their future.
Lije expects them to build a life where his proud allegiance lie: on the plantations of his Cherokee family, and in turn, the Confederacy. But for Lije and Diane, it’s just the beginning of a conflict that will tear families apart and reopen the wounds of violent rivalries born out of the historic Trail of Tears—and will end only when divided loyalties and revenge threaten to shatter the meaning of heritage and honor. Through it all, only true love can hope to survive.
Legacies was previously published as American Destiny.

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Janet Dailey, who passed away in 2013, was born Janet Haradon in 1944 in Storm Lake, Iowa. She attended secretarial school in Omaha, Nebraska, before meeting her husband, Bill. The two worked together in construction and land development until they “retired” to travel throughout the United States, inspiring Dailey to write the Americana series of romances, setting a novel in every state of the Union. In 1974, Dailey was the first American author to write for Harlequin. Her first novel was No Quarter Asked. She went on to write approximately ninety novels, twenty-one of which appeared on the New York Times bestseller list. She won many awards and accolades for her work, appearing widely on radio and television. Today, there are over three hundred million Janet Dailey books in print in nineteen different languages, making her one of the most popular novelists in the world. For more information about Dailey, visit www.janetdailey.com.

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