Legacy Hunter: A Legends of Lasniniar Short

· WaywardScribe Press
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(Previously published as “Legends of Lasniniar: A Legacy Hunter” by Jacquelyn Smith.)

Barlo stares at the limp, elven form on his couch. A poisoned goblin arrow protrudes from the creature’s shoulder. A long knife hangs from its belt.

How could his wife think to tend the elf stranger and leave her patient armed? Elves do not belong in Dwarvenhome. Especially not ones with weapons.

But the elf’s presence presents another problem to the dwarven clan chief.

...What brings goblins so close to Dwarvenhome?

A stand-alone story from the Legends of Lasniniar fantasy series by Jacquelyn Smith, “Legacy Hunter” tells the tale of Barlo and Iarion’s first meeting. If you love a fun, action-filled adventure, grab this book. (This story takes place between the World of Lasniniar novels Kinslayer and Soul Seeker.)

Автор жөнүндө

Jacquelyn Smith is a Canadian fiction author and back-to-back winner of the Writers' Journal Fiction Contest (2010-2011). Her works include the World of Lasniniar epic fantasy series and the Kira Brightwell crime fiction series (originally published under the pen name Kat Irwin).Jacquelyn lives on the outskirts of Toronto, Ontario, with her husband Mark, and their feline warrior princess Xena.

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