
· The Mavericks (Ebook Series) Кніга 10 · Valley Publishing Ltd.
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Planning to meet his sister in Germany, but, when she’s a no-show, Lennox has his first inkling that trouble has come home in a big way …

When his sister and her best friend go missing, Lennox is determined to find and to keep his only family member safe … and her best friend. They were both doctors, traveling the globe with the UN. Lennox was proud of his sister’s accomplishments. He’d never tried to hide their relationship, thinking no one from Lennox’s Navy SEALs past cared—or was still alive. Only now someone has decided to use Lennox’s only family as a way to exact revenge.

Helena is caught up in a kidnapping of Lennox’s sister, all designed to get back at Lennox—the most infuriating man she’s ever met. And one she’s cared for since forever. Now to know she was used as a trap to kidnap his sister and to take him out was the worst kind of punishment. But she knew this man. Knew him intimately—if only once—but also knew he was coming to rescue them, even if it meant losing his own life.

Lennox wasn’t letting the only two women in his world be taken out without a fight, … especially one who didn’t even know how he felt …

navy seals; alpha heroes; military romance; action and adventure; suspense; light action; black ops; mystery and suspense; Romantic Suspense; Mystery; Suspense; romance; Hero, strong female; military

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