Lies of Men

· Andrea Kellner Mystery 3. kniha · Obscura Press
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

A murdered source. A board room power play. Reporting this story may prove fatal.


Investigative reporter Andrea Kellner is under fire. After she inherits a media company from her husband, a hostile board member hires an efficiency consultant to force her out. Turning a blind eye to the power struggle, she throws herself into her next story only to find her key source dying in her home with an X slashed across her mouth. 

While even Andrea thinks the victim's corrupt ex-husband is the likely culprit, a second murder with a similar M.O. hints at a much larger scheme.

Two strong, successful women are dead, their only connections are a divorce attorney and ex-husbands with an ugly past.

Can Andrea expose the murderer before the killer takes another victim?

Lies of Menis the third thrilling novel in the Andrea Kellner mystery series. If you like complex plots and smart, ballsy, crime-solving women, you’ll love Dana Killion’s page-turning series.

O autorovi

Dana Killion grew up in a small town in northern Wisconsin, reading Nancy Drew and dreaming of living surrounded by tall buildings. A career in the apparel industry satisfied her city living urge and Nancy Drew evolved into Cornwell, Fairstein, and Evanovich.

One day, frustrated that her favorite authors weren’t writing fast enough, an insane thought crossed her mind. “Maybe I could write a novel?”

Silly, naïve, downright ludicrous. But she did it. She plotted and planned and got 80,000 words on the page. That manuscript lives permanently in the back of a closet. But the writing bug had bitten.

Lies in High Places was her debut novel. Dana lives in Chicago and St Petersburg, Florida with her husband and her kitty, Isabel, happily avoiding temperatures below fifty.

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