Life Simplified!: Simplifying Lives Globally...

· Partridge Publishing
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This is a book for basic orientation to life for teenagers & youth in 14-28years of age. Most suitable for high school kids, adolescents during pre-graduation and graduation years and the youth who have lost their way in early career stages post their education. It's for those who need orientation in life towards simplifying the confusions that life throws at the crucial junctures of life. The book is a feast for non-readers too as it is simple in approach and classic in presentation. The content is not too mature and less complex to serve rising young people from modest backgrounds too. The goal of this book is to keep youth up and going at all times, orienting them towards their goals, empowering their overall life, empowering their decisions, resolving their mental conflicts, building a sound decision-making foundation on their mind, giving them an extra edge with the right attitudes, and eventually simplifying their lives. This is a simple, unique, easy-to-read, and comprehensible piece of work, which is a treat even for nonreaders.


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Sujit lalwani is an International Speaker, Entrepreneur & Author with following to his accolade: 1. Founder & Director of Inspiration Unlimited Popular as IU. 2. Founder & President of 36Meals NGO. 3. Founder of Various Internationally growing Projects: IUY2C, IUNPB, IUOSB, IU Literacy and IU Cares 4. Founder & Chief Editor of IUeMagazine 5. One Young World Ambassador for India. 6. Your Big Year '12 Finalist. 7. Author of Life simplified. 8. Listed as Top 40 Under 35 by Thriving Talents Organization from Malaysia, registered with Human Resource Development authorities of Malaysia. To his accomplishments as a Speaker: 1. He has addressed 2.5 Million People through his speeches. 2. He was invited for VISIT Russia Forum 2012 to share insights on developing tourism in Russia 3. He has addressed bureaucrats of Nepal. 4. He has addressed 2000+ Principals, Directors, VPs of Schools & Colleges in nepal to better Education 5. He has addressed 50 Consultancies of nepal 6. He has addressed the MDs, CEOs and CMDs of Electronics Companies who are a part of CLIK in Karnataka. 7. He has been invited as chief guest for innumerous Business and Management shows/Talks. 8. He is sought after Management, Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Work Ethics Speaker. 9. He has attended Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Liverpool in 2012 where he met Sir Richard Branson and was coached on Wealth Dynamics by Mike Southon. 10. Featured in Media regularly for his initiatives and ideas. 11. He was invited for Webinar on Youth Unemployment problems across the globe conducted by the Mauritian Global Shapers Community alongside Director of M4Afrika by Microsoft. Simplicity is his philosophy. Making things happen with limited resources and Managing resources to yield to business requirements. Invite him to your organization and see the Unlimited Inspiration rule the air in presence of Founder of Inspiration Unlimited.

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