Lifestyle Evangelism: Learning to Open Your Life to Those Around You

· Saltzailea: Multnomah
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Finding common ground and earning the right to be heard is the secret to lifestyle evangelism. In this classic bestseller, now released as a mass-market paperback, Dr. Joe Aldrich shows us how we can build genuine, caring relationships with nonbelievers that will open their hearts to the gospel message. The author's approach is biblical, practical, and natural. Lifestyle Evangelism is the definitive work in introducing people to the Savior in a way that displays God's authentic love for the lost.

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Joseph C. Aldrich is the former president of Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland, Oregon, and is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary. Through his bestselling book and video, Life-Style Evangelism, Dr. Aldrich has helped thousands of Christians become effective witnesses for Christ. He and his wife, Ruthe, are the parents of two children.

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