Lioness: My Fighting Spirit

· DoctorZed Publishing
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love • family • triumph


Torn between two cultures, Australian and Lebanese, Silvana Ghoussain defied the odds to make a stance to show that chasing your dreams means taking risks—sometimes at great cost.


This is a true account of one woman’s determination to conquer a male-dominated world.


To discover her strength and voice, Silvana Ghoussain must beat the odds to achieve her goals as a bodybuilder, entrepreneur on Sydney’s King Street, Newtown, and a boxing coach when few women dared to enter the sport of boxing.


Not even a controlling father, a dangerous boyfriend, and jeopardised health can stop her. Silvana’s determination and strength transform her from victim to victor in the story of her life: Lioness: My Fighting Spirit


About the Author:

Silvana Ghoussain is a mother, bodybuilder, and entrepreneur. She has traveled extensively and currently resides in Sydney, NSW, with her family. Lioness: My Fighting Spirit is her first book.

Egileari buruz

Silvana Ghoussain is a mother, bodybuilder, and entrepreneur. She has traveled extensively and currently resides in Sydney, NSW, with her family. Lioness: My Fighting Spirit is her first book.

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