Little Miss Matchmaker (Mills & Boon Love Inspired) (A Tiny Blessings Tale, Book 5)

· A Tiny Blessings Tale 5-kitob · HarperCollins UK
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To: Uncle Alex From: Chelsea Re: I think you should ask Miss Fraser on a date She's my favorite teacher ever and she definitely likes you, I can tell.

Everyone in town knows you're this brave firefighter. So why don't you be the hero of Miss Fraser's life? Maybe you could volunteer together at the Chestnut Grove Youth Center.

Uncle Alex, I know you're pretty busy as guardian to my brother and me, but you need a girlfriend. So I came up with a plan. It's my secret, but I know it will be the best thing that ever happened to all of us!

Muallif haqida

Dana Corbit enjoyed sharing tall tales before she learned to write her name, so it came as no surprise when the Indiana native chose a career where she could tell stories every day. An award-winning journalist, she left the workforce to raise her family, but the stories came home with her as she discovered the joy of writing fiction. An award-winning author of fifteen novels, Dana makes her home in southeast Michigan with her husband, three teenage daughters and two tubby kitties.

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