Living Like You Belong to God: A 6-Week, No-Homework Bible Study

· Sotuvchi: WaterBrook
7 ta sharh
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Can Other See That You Belong to God?

God calls us to a life of joy, obedience, and trust. He calls us to be different from those around us. He calls us to be holy.

In this rich study, you will discover that holiness is not an arbitrary standard within today's church or an unreachable goal of sinless perfection. Holiness is about pleasing God--living in such a way that it's clear you belong to Him. Holiness is what makes you unique as a believer in Jesus Christ.

Come explore the beauty of holy living and see why true holiness and true happiness always go together.

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7 ta sharh

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KAY ARTHUR is host of the Precepts for Life radio and television program, which reach a worldwide audience of over 94 million. A four-time Gold Medallion Award-winner, Kay has written more than 100 books and Bible studies.

DAVID and BJ LAWSON have been involved in Precept Ministries International since 1980. A former pastor, David writes for the New Inductive series and the 40-Minute Bible Studies series. BJ is a popular conference speaker and serves as the chief developer and writer of the 40-Minute Bible Studies series.

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