Nearly a century later, the tragic tale of the "unsinkable" ship continues to captivate the imagination. So many myths and stories have arisen from history's most famous maritime disaster that it can be difficult to tell fact from fiction. This collection of first-hand reports from survivors, published within weeks of the Titanic's sinking, was an instant bestseller and remains the most authoritative account—even though it reads like a novel.
This book recounts the ship's history in remarkable detail, from its construction and departure from Southampton, to the collision, ensuing panic, and ultimate sinking, concluding with the efforts in New York and Halifax to deal with the aftermath. Illustrated throughout, this reprint contains original drawings and photos of the "Great Ship" and some of its passengers—both those who survived and those who perished. "If you have room for one more Titanic title," advised Library Journal, "make it this one."