Longarm 417: Longarm and the Diamondback Widow

· Longarm 417. kniha · Predajca: Penguin
2 recenzie
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Táto e‑kniha

Longarm’s out to discover who gunned down a fellow lawman.

Sheriff Des Rainey was a good lawman, just doing his job, returning from a ranch left in charred ruins after giving the murdered corpses left behind a decent burial. But someone got the drop on him as he was stepping into his own jailhouse—and a shotgun blast blew him clear back out into the muddy main street of Diamondback.
Rainey was a good friend of Marshal Billy Vail. They’d served as Texas Rangers together. So Billy sent his best deputy marshal to find the killer who made Mrs. Rainey a widow. But when Longarm rides into Diamondback, no one’s talking—except the young, beautiful widow herself, who will do anything to get Longarm to find her husband’s killer…

Hodnotenia a recenzie

2 recenzie

O autorovi

Tabor Evans is the author of the long-running Longarm western series, featuring the adventures of Deputy U.S. Marshal Custis Long.

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