Lord of the Black Isle

· Sourcebooks, Inc.
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Modern day doctor Elisabeth Douglas never expected to find herself accused of witchcraft by a 16th century Scottish earl

A Warrior's Life...Meets a Healer's Art

Laird David Murray would give his life to pull his clan through this time of strife and conflict. With enemies both inside and outside his keep, he has never felt so alone and desperate. Until he meets a beautiful healer with uncanny knowledge from another time.

Elisabeth Douglas was a doctor in her own time. Now she's the only one with the knowledge and skill to help Laird David save the lives of his family.

Praise for The Return of Black Douglas:

"Intriguing...Bestseller Coffman spins a rewarding love story between her two intelligent, stubborn protagonists, keeping their relationship fresh and their conflicts credible...A satisfying time–travel romance."—Publishers Weekly

"Full of action, danger, passion, and drama...A must–read for medieval and time–travel fans alike."—RT Book Reviews, 4 Stars

"Delightfully infused with suspense, humor, heartache, an entertaining plot, well–drawn characters, and a wily ghost, this story is a keeper."—Romance Junkies

"Imagine being thrown into the sixteenth century, into a warriors arms—a bit scary, but a bit hot. A great little love story with a twist."—Bookloons

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