Love Delayed In Dublin

· Love Snacks Publishing, LLC
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Jordan Cross and Conor Byrne shared one magical New Year’s Eve in NYC... and then he disappeared. 


Eight years later, Jordan still hasn’t been able to forget her Irishman. When her long time boyfriend proposes, Jordan realizes she should have broken it off long ago. Is she destined to land the wrong guy—or find real love? She knows the answer lies halfway around the world, in Dublin. If she can just find Conor, she can put their unfinished business to bed.


Conor was only supposed to run the family pub and care for the family, until his father got well. By now, he’s resigned himself to the role and abandoned his own dreams. Seeing Jordan walk into his pub is both amazing and terrifying—because although the passion they feel still burns bright, their worlds don’t work together.


Committing to each other will mean hurting someone else, but they'll have to risk it all to find a love that’s real. 


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Ticket to True Love is a new series about fresh beginnings, second chances, and finding true love in unexpected places. Visitors to True Springs are skeptical about the town’s legendary water leading them to love, but residents believe. Even they don’t realize, however, that the water is only part of the story...


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Moni Boyce is a writer, filmmaker, poet and author of contemporary and paranormal romance. She spent the last fifteen years working in the film industry and now creates characters of her own and brings them to life on the page. She considers herself a bookworm, film buff, foodie, music lover and an avid world traveler having visited 33 countries and counting. She lives a bit of a nomadic life, but considers Los Angeles her hometown.




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