Love Inspired October 2014 - Box Set 2 of 2: An Anthology

· 销售商:Harlequin
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Love Inspired brings you three new titles for one great price, available now! Enjoy these uplifting contemporary romances of faith, forgiveness and hope. This Love Inspired bundle includes Alaskan Sweethearts by USA TODAY bestselling author Janet Tronstad, The Forest Ranger’s Christmas by Leigh Bale and A Home for Her Family by Virginia Carmichael.

Look for 6 new inspirational stories every month from Love Inspired!


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Janet Tronstad grew up on her family’s farm in central Montana and now lives in Pasadena, California where she is always at work on her next book. She has written over thirty books, many of them set in the fictitious town of Dry Creek, Montana where the men spend the winters gathered around the potbellied stove in the hardware store and the women make jelly in the fall.

Leigh Bale is a Publisher's Weekly bestselling author. She is the winner of the Golden Heart and a finalist for the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence and the Bookseller's Best Award. She has over twenty books in print and has sold over a million copies worldwide. The daughter of a retired U.S. forest ranger, Leigh holds a BA in history with honors. Married in 1981, Leigh and her professor husband have two grown children and two grandkids. You can reach her at

A big fan of the wide open sky and all four seasons, Virginia believes in embracing the small moments of everyday life. A home schooling mom of six young children who rarely wear shoes, those moments usually involve a lot of noise, a lot of mess, or a whole bunch of warm cookies. Virginia holds degrees in Linguistics and Religious Studies from the University of Oregon. She lives with her habanero-eating husband, Crusberto, who is her opposite in all things except faith.




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