· Montgomery Vale መጽሐፍ 1 · Circa Publishing
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Book 1 in a Series of Stand-alone Historical Thrillers
The year is 1937 and England's well-respected investigator, Montgomery Vale, a bi-racial gentleman, is aboard the Hindenburg, determined to find answers about his family's mysterious past. But, even more disturbing events derail him.

Moments after discovering a dead man in the smoking lounge, a bomb goes off, downing the Hindenburg and hurdling Montgomery towards murderous conspirators and one equally distracting woman. Can Montgomery solve this well-calculated murder mystery before more lives are lost, including his own?

From an Amazon bestselling author, Montgomery Vale: Scorched, will enthrall historical mystery detective thriller readers. Montgomery Vale: Scorched is perfect for fans who have devoured Alex Rosenberg's, The Girl from Krakow, Jeffrey Archer's Best Kept Secret, or Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See.

Scroll up and grab your copy NOW at a big discount before it goes to full price!

Keywords: historical fiction, African-American fiction, detective, mystery, thriller, hindenburg, novel, book series, 1930s, 1920s, Scotland Yard, British Detective 

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Patrice Williams Marks penned her first book in third grade; The Day Snoopy Got Married. While it didn't make the New York Times Best Seller List, it was an instant classic with the Nunaka Valley Elementary School staff. From that moment forward, Patrice knew she was a writer. With a zest for travel and an insatiable appetite for all things vintage and period, Patrice uses her investigative journalism background to create authentic characters to occupy the pages of her books. Patrice has a talent for shining a light on riveting, obscure true stories from times past and generating page turners. Her upcoming book series, MONTGOMERY VALE, will follow this same successful formula.

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Twitter: @PWilliamsMarks @Unfinished_The

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