Maigret and the Tramp

· Inspector Maigret 60. kniha · Predajca: Penguin
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“A writer as comfortable with reality as with fiction, with passion as with reason.” —John Le Carré

When a beggar is pulled from the River Seine, having been badly beaten, Inspector Maigret must investigate the man to uncover his attacker.

While sleeping under the Pont Marie bridge, a homeless man known as Doc is viciously beaten and thrown into the River Seine to drown. A pair of bargemen manage to rescue him, and his identification reveals he was once a doctor in Mulhouse, where, coincidentally, Inspector Maigret’s sister-in-law lives. Seizing on this connection, Maigret must delve into the man’s personal circumstances to figure out just who might have wanted him dead—and why.

A fascinating, fast-paced story about the past lives we try to leave behind, and the ways in which they return, Maigret and the Tramp is a riveting mystery from Georges Simenon.

O autorovi

Georges Simenon (1903-1989) was born in Liège, Belgium. He is best known in the English-speaking world as the author of the Inspector Maigret books. His prolific output of more than four hundred novels and short stories has made him a household name in continental Europe.

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