Mail-Order Mother

· Baby Boom Գիրք 14 · HarperCollins Australia
Էլ. գիրք

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Wanted: mother and wife?

Jane didn't know who was crazier Greg Merrifield for placing the advert for a wife and mother, or herself for answering it! But as soon as she met his adorable twin babies, she knew she'd made the right decision. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for their sexy but hostile father.

Greg thought she was too sophisticated for a Texas ranch and far too desirable for his own peace of mind! But Jane was sure she'd make a perfect mother. She just needed the chance to convince Greg she'd make a great wife!

Because two's company and three's a family!

About The Wedding Escapade:
"Kate Denton lends humour and wit to splendid characters and a wonderful premise."
Romantic Times


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