Make Me Yours

· The Stone Trilogy පොත 1 · Renee Harless
සමාලෝචන 2ක්
සුදුසුකම් ලබයි

මෙම ඉ-පොත ගැන

From USA TODAY bestselling author Renee Harless comes an unexpected love story about attraction, fate, and testing limits.

He was a stranger at a bar who swept me off my feet at first glance.

The electricity between us sizzled until it consumed us.

When Alex Stone offered me the chance to spend two months at his beck and call, I couldn’t turn it down.

But when our time was up, I wanted more than what we agreed to, willing to risk it all to stay in his arms.

I was left to pick up the pieces when Alex said goodbye and left me behind.

I’m stronger now. I’ve pieced my heart back together and I’m finally ready to put the past behind me.

But it seems fate has something sinister in mind.

ඇගයීම් සහ සමාලෝචන

සමාලෝචන 2ක්

මෙම ඉ-පොත අගයන්න

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