The Sedona O'Hala cozy mystery series follows Sedona through several capers when she accepts undercover jobs for Steve Huntington. She has a chance at romance and is constantly in danger, but she continues to strive to break through the company glass ceiling--if not, she's sure to break a window or two in these zany and fun mysteries.The order of the series:
Executive Lunch, Executive Retention, Executive Sick Days, Executive Affairs/Executive Gardening (free)
Next out is Executive Dirt, scheduled for 2015
I grew up in New Mexico where the desert environment inspired me to embellish the landscape with my imagination. After working in the computer industry for twelve years, I decided technology moved too slowly and again put my imagination to work, creating messes and then inventing characters to handle all the clean up. If only that worked on the dinner dishes!
You can find me in my garden chasing fairies and cats. Or check my blog: