Max Makes a Million

· New York Review of Books
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Max’s dream is to live in Paris and be a poet—even though no one will buy his poems and he is penniless. But living in New York City isn’t so bad. Where else could he have friends like Bruno, who paints invisible pictures, or Marcello, who builds upside-down houses?

Max Makes a Million is a fun, jazzy tale filled with Maira Kalman’s signature bright and imaginative illustrations. Children will delight in the rhythm and sound of her poetic sentences read out loud, and root for Max the dog as he follows his bigcity dreams.

Звесткі пра аўтара

Maira Kalman is an illustrator, author, and designer. She has created many covers for The New Yorker, including the famous map of Newyorkistan (with Rick Meyerowitz). Kalman is the author of twelve children’s books, including five books about Max the dog, which will be reissued by The New York Review Children's Collection: Hey Willy, See the Pyramids and Max Makes a Million (September 2017); Ooh-la-la (Max in Love) and Max in Hollywood, Baby (February 2018); and Swami on Rye (September 2018). She also has designed fabric for Isaac Mizrahi, accessories for Kate Spade, sets for the Mark Morris Dance Company, and, with her late husband, Tibor Kalman, under the M&Co. label, clocks, umbrellas, and other accessories for the Museum of Modern Art. Her work is shown at the Julie Saul Gallery in Manhattan.

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