Megabugs: And Other Prehistoric Critters that Roamed the Planet 

· Kids Can Press Ltd
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Meet some gigantic prehistoric critters! A bug the size of a small crocodile? Or as large as a basketball player? As scary as it seems, supersized, insect-like creatures such as these roamed Earth long before humans. This peek into prehistory introduces seven of these fascinating megabugs — the ancestors of modern-day insects, spiders, crabs and other arthropods — which lived from 480 million to 47 million years ago. It explores when, where and how they each lived, why they grew so big and what caused their eventual extinction. Kids will never look at bugs the same way again!

Muallif haqida

Helaine Becker is a bestselling children's author of more than seventy books, including Hubots, Monster Science, Zoobots, The Big Green Book of the Big Blue Sea and Lines, Bars and Circles. She is a two-time recipient of the Lane Anderson Award and a winner of the Silver Birch Award and the Red Cedar Award. She lives in Toronto, Ontario.;John Bindon is the illustrator of many books on prehistoric life. He has also worked on dinosaur exhibits for museums and theme parks, and on animation projects for the Discovery Channel and Walt Disney Animation Studios. John lives near Toronto, Ontario.

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