Memoirs Of A Sai Student

· Sai Student Memoirs 1. liburua · Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division
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In this written account of his experiences as a student and devotee of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Aravind Balasubramanya shares, with his simple, lucid, and heartfelt style of writing, captivating stories of his time with our beloved Swami. Read and bring to vivid life in the mind's eye the plays, the plots, the schemes, and the traps hatched, and the love that the author has for Swami, which the Lord reciprocated during his time as a student in Swami's school and university. Throughout Memoirs Of A Sai Student, the author reveals the labyrinth of evolution that is life, through which Swami guided him safely and moulded him into an ardent devotee of the Lord and an acclaimed speaker.

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12 iritzi

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Aravind Balasubramanya hails from a family that has been devoted to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for nearly half a century. His father was a photographer of Bhagawan in the late sixties and early seventies in Brindavan and many of the old black and white photographs we see of Swami have have been through his lens.

Inspired by his parents, especially his mother, to spend his life with his Swami, Aravind joined Sri Sathya Sai Vidyapeeth in Calicut, Kerala for his primary education. He joined Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School in Prashanti Nilayam for high-schooling. He followed it with a Bachelors in Science with specialization in Chemistry from the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning for which he secured a gold medal. He continued to complete his Masters in Science (Chemistry) and with the desire to stay with Bhagawan went on to do his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) too.

It was in the Institute that he got several opportunities to speak in the Divine Presence, act in many presentations and plays and also pursue photography which he picked up from his father. He was careful in recording almost every day that he spent in the physical proximity of his Lord via his many personal diaries and photographs.

Blessed by Baba to join Radiosai Global Harmony, which has been singly responsible in spreading the message and life of Bhagawan to all parts of the globe, he currently does a host of activities there including the Thursday Live satsangs, producing documentaries on Swami and his message and, of course, writing articles.

He was Swami’s ‘official’ photographer for nearly 5 years and travelled along with Him during His trips to Hadshi, Mumbai, Delhi and Simla. Photography is not just his hobby - it’s his passion and he has worshipped Swami through it. After Bhagawan’s Mahasamadhi in April 2011, Aravind started to write blogs based on what he had recorded in his personal diaries and experiences of several students. The blogs hit a million views and, based on feedback from readers, he was inspired to contemplate a book.

More than all this Aravind has tremendous love for Swami, his biggest and greatest hero. That's what propels him to excel in any and all endeavours that he takes up - be it writing, speaking, photography or video editing.

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