Messengers of the Wind: Native American Women Tell Their Life Stories

· Сатушысы: One World
1 пікір
Электрондық кітап

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"Messengers of the Wind goes beyond the autobiographies of everyday women. These are women who have long been an invisible part of American culture. Their stories are haunting, frightening, encouraging, and courageous. . . . Katz is a faithful guide."
--The Minnesota Daily
In Messengers of the Wind, Native American women, old and young, from a variety of tribal groups, speak with eloquence and passion about their experience on the land and in urban areas; about their work as artists, activists, and healers; as grandmothers, mothers, and daughters; as modern women with a link to the past. And as each woman, renowned and obscure, tells her remarkable personal story, it is clear that each has tapped into the power that comes from within and has reached back into a history that brings with it courage and hope.
" 'Giving energy to Mother Earth' -- Yes. That is our duty as women, as Natives, and as human beings. Messengers of the Wind is a way of doing just that. It is not a dance, feet patting our mother, but it is an offering, the voices of the women sent to comfort her. Thank-you, Jane Katz, for your offering. It is a special and much-needed gift."
--Paula Gunn Allen
Author of Voice of the Turtle
--The Cleveland Plain Dealer
"A RICH COLLECTION OF PERSONAL STORIES. . .REWARDING. . . These are powerful women with important stories to tell."
--Kirkus Reviews

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1 пікір

Авторы туралы

Jane Katz is an oral historian, artist, and editor of several multicultural anthologies including Messengers of the Wind: Native American Women Tell Their Life Stories. She studied drawing and watercolor at Minnetonka Art Center and Edina Art Center. Katz resides in Minnesota.

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