"Starman David Foster to the Silverfire."
"The mantaship has entered the water; it's like swimming in India ink."
"There's something out here with us. It's moving under it's own power."
"Sensors place it sixteen miles away. It's a life form more than a quarter-mile long."
"It's coming this way! We're taking a recording and getting out of here!"
Danger Below!
Buoyed by their discovery of the abandoned base on the planet Nyx, David Foster and the Starmen have intensified their search for the mysterious Benefactors of humanity. Faced with the looming threat of the Xenobots, the Starmen are determined to make allies out of the ancient enemy of the malevolent alien cyborgs.
But elements within the Solar System have already made contact with Benefactors not from Earth. Promises of power and scientific discovery have driven former comrades to stake their own claim to the secrets concealed beneath the oceans of the Europa. And they refuse to let the Starmen get in their way!
This is the future. The way it used to be!
Michael D. Cooper is the pseudonym for Michael (Mike) Dodd, David Baumann, and Jon Cooper, each of whom played a vital role in creating the Starman series. Although each member contributed in different ways, no story was presented to the public until all three team members were in full agreement.
David Baumann
David Baumann is a retired Episcopal priest, who follows the high Anglican tradition in southern Illinois. He has also been a martial arts instructor and a free-lance writer.
Jon Cooper
Jon Cooper is a computer programmer. Jon has visited nineteen foreign countries and lived in three, including a stay of several months in a thousand-year-old former monastery on an island in the Saone River in France.
Mike Dodd
Mike Dodd is a social worker and zeppelin builder. His wedding ring is made out of a moon rock, and he owns an authenticated piece of Mars, for which he paid $100.