Following a calamitous space battle, a small damaged pod drifts amid the debris, a single individual aboard, clinging to the final moments of life. A ship, hidden behind a small orange and red hued moon while the battle raged, approaches the debris field, searching for items to salvage and discovers the pod.
The serendipitous encounter of two strangers in space spawns an extraordinary journey and a shared destiny neither could have imagined, which will decide the fate of two worlds on the brink of war.
A discerning and cautious General, aware of the devastation a war will wrought, seeks to avoid it. A ruling Governor, imprisoned by culture and tradition, is determined to pursue it. And a clandestine operative races against time in search of the key to prevent it.
A native New Yorker, Michael W. Smart writes mystery and science fiction novels. Michael traces his passion for science fiction to the pioneers of the genre he read at a young age, authors who continue to inspire his love of reading and writing science fiction. He is also the author of the Bequia Mysteries series, set in tropical St. Vincent and the Grenadines. He is an experienced blue water sailor and airplane pilot, two passions the protagonists in all his novels share.