Midwinter Miracle: A Fortune's Fools Story

· Zora Marie
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

 Tegwyth used to receive gifts at Midwinter, until she became one herself. 

Alone in the snow, she will do anything to survive because of the one thing that matters most to her...

O autorovi

In the words that Robert Heinlein put so evocatively into the mouth of Lazarus Long: ‘Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.’ Having tried a number of different careers, before settling in the North-East of England with family, three dogs, cats and a small flock of rescued chickens, I now spend a lot of time in private and have very clean hands. 

If you enjoy my books, please let me know by leaving a review, it encourages me to keep writing! 

I hope you will keep in touch to find out more about future titles in the Fortune’s Fools and Dai and Julia series through Facebook or enjoy a daily coffee break read with me and my co-author, Jane Jago, at workingtitleblogspot.wordpress.com. 

You can also find me on twitter @emswifthook

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