
· Bloomsbury Publishing USA
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A whirlwind Manhattan romance like you've never read before from the Booker Prize nominated author of Ducks, Newburyport.

It's Christmas Eve in Manhattan. An eminent plastic surgeon slips on the ice, lands on his butt, and sprains his ankle. So far, so good. A woman such as he's never known yanks him to his feet and conjures the miracle of a taxi.

Harrison recuperates with Franz Schubert, Bette Davis, and a foundling cat. Then it's back to rhinoplasties, liposuction, and the peccadilloes of his obnoxious colleagues. It is only when he collides again with that strangely helpful woman that things take a wild and revolutionary turn.

Sparkling, polemical, irreverent, slippery, and sexy, Mimi is a love story, a call to arms, and Lucy Ellmann's most tender and dazzling book. It's also the feminist novel of the century. (So far.)

Egileari buruz

Lucy Ellmann, born in the United States, was later completely and unnecessarily transported to England. She has written the novels: Ducks, Newburyport, longlisted for the 2019 Booker Prize; Mimi; Sweet Desserts, winner of the 1988 Guardian Fiction Prize; Varying Degrees of Hopelessness; Man or Mango? A Lament; and Dot in the Universe. The last two were both nominated for the Orange Prize for Fiction.

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