Ministry Protocol: Thrilling Tales of the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences

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· The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences 7-китеп · Imagine That! Studios
68 сын-пикир
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From the Creators of the award-winning steampunk Ministry of Peculiar
Occurrences series comes a collection of new adventures from around the
world. The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences investigates the bizarre and
unusual, and protects the citizens of the Empire from forces of
darkness. Every agent knows that thrusting themselves into danger is
part of the job, and may demand of them the ultimate sacrifice. They
call on their own inner strength, wits, intellect, and innovations of
science and technology. But is it enough to face the unknown and the
unexplainable? Travel to the farthest corners of Queen Victoria’s
mighty empire and back again to the shores of Old Blighty, unlocking the
mysteries of legend, lore, and shadowy societies. Welcome to a world of
steam, secrets, machinations and madness.


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68 сын-пикир

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