Miral: A Novel

· Saltzailea: Penguin
4 iritzi
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Soon to be a major motion picture from the award-winning director Julian Schnabel, starring Freida Pinto.

WRITTEN BY the much-admired Italo-Palestinian journalist Rula Jebreal, Miral is a novel that focuses on remarkable women whose lives unfold in the turbulent political climate along the borders of Israel and Palestine. The story begins with Hind, a woman who sacrifices everything to establish a school for refugee Palestinian girls in East Jerusalem. Years later Miral arrives at the school after her mother commits suicide. Hind sees that Miral has the potential to change the world peacefully-but Miral is appalled by the injustice that surrounds her, and flirts with the notion of armed resistance. Hind desperately works to persuade her to stay the course of education, hard work, and non-violent resolution-but is she too late?

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4 iritzi

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Rula Jebreal is an award-winning journalist who specializes in foreign affairs and immigration rights issues. She was born in Haifa, studied and worked in Italy in Italy as an anchor woman for many year, and now makes her home in New York.

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