Mistletoe and Mayhem

· A Special Pennyfoot Hotel Myst Sách 6 · Được bán bởi Penguin
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

In this Pennyfoot Hotel Christmas mystery, guests and staff alike are coming together under the kissing bough—only to fall victim to a cold-blooded killer…
At the Pennyfoot Hotel, Cecily Sinclair Baxter and her staff are hustling and bustling more than ever. Cecily’s dear friend Madeline arrives with her new baby and adds a kissing bough to the festive decorations. Cecily gets in the spirit by kissing the precious baby beneath the bough, believing that the holiday couldn’t be getting off to a better start.
But after a footman and a new maid are seen kissing under the bough and turn up dead, the staff is convinced a serial killer is spending the holidays at the Pennyfoot. And when Madeline’s baby disappears, Cecily has her hands full desperately trying to find the child. If she doesn’t catch this killer in time, everyone’s cheer will quickly turn to fear…

Giới thiệu tác giả

Kate Kingsbury is a full-time writer and the author of the Pennyfoot Hotel Mysteries, set in Edwardian England; the Manor House Mysteries, set in an English village during World War 2; and the Merry Ghost Inn Mysteries, a contemporary series set at a bed and breakfast on the Oregon coast. Born in London, England, she now lives in the United States.

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