Mistress No More

· Mistress Series 2. liburua · Kensington Publishing Corp.
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Reprinted Edition

"Bryant is an author who definitely knows how to tell a story." --APOOO Book Club

Niobia Bryant thrills readers with a bold, sexy story about a mistress who's ready to reveal all her dirty little secrets. . .

Jessa Bell shocked the hell out of her three best friends when she announced she was having an affair with one of their husbands--then refused to say which one. She's been reveling in watching them self-destruct. But now, caught between an ex-lover who won't let her go, and a new lover who's more than happy to, Jessa's ready to confront the ladies, reveal the truth, and move on. Maybe her stunt will even send her latest married man back into her arms for good. But she'll soon find out revenge isn't just sweet--it can be deadly. Because nothing will ever be the same once Jessa Bell decides she's a mistress no more. . .

"Bryant knows how to hook readers from the first line into messy waters of betrayal, seduction, disappointment and falls from grace." --RT Book Reviews

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48 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Niobia Bryant is the award-winning and national bestselling author of more than forty works of romance and commercial mainstream fiction. Twice she has won the RT Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Award for African American/Multicultural Romance. Her books have appeared in Ebony, Essence®, The New York Post, The Star-Ledger, The Dallas Morning News and many other national publications. One of her bestselling books was adapted to film. Visit her at www.niobiabryant.com.

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