Molly Moon and the Morphing Mystery

· Molly Moon 5. raamat · Pan Macmillan
2 arvustust

Teave selle e-raamatu kohta

Molly Moon is unstoppable! She's a master hypnotist, a time-traveller and a mind-reader, and in this sizzling story she harnesses a new power - morphing. Soon she and her twin brother Micky are swapping bodies with ladybirds, rats, even the Queen of England herself! But the fun can't last forever . . . and unless they can get their hands on the 'The Advanced Arts' hypnotism book, they will never get back to their own bodies. Sabotaged by a gaggle of wicked women who want to destroy them, Molly and Micky must find a way to return to themselves in spite of all the dangerous surprises thrown in their way.

Hinnangud ja arvustused

2 arvustust

Teave autori kohta

Georgia Byng grew up in a large, noisy family in a house in Hampshire. She now lives in London with the conceptual artist Mark Quinn and her three children. Georgia loves to travel, whether it's flying off to Japan to research ideas for her new book or whizzing around London in her little electric car.


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