Monday Morning Faith

· Saltzailea: Zondervan
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Dear Mom and Pop, Two days ago we all spent the afternoon in palm trees. One of the village dogs broke his leash and treed the whole community. The dog is mean, but I have managed to form a cautious relationship with him by feeding him scraps from our table, and jelly beans ... I hope candy doesn’t hurt a dog; it hasn’t hurt this dog, I can assure you. I know you’re wondering about Sam ... I love him with all my heart, but sometimes love isn’t enough. Love always,Johanna Librarian Johanna Holland likes her simple life in Saginaw, Michigan. So why is she standing in the middle of the New Guinea Jungle? Johanna is simply aghast at the lack of hot showers and ... well ... clothing! She is positive the mission field is most certainly not God’s plan for her life, but will that mean letting go of the man she loves? Warm and whimsical, Monday Morning Faith will take you on a spiritual journey filled with depth and humor.

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5 iritzi

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Lori Copeland is a bestselling author whose books includde Now and Always, Simple Gifts, Unwrapping Christmas, and Monday Morning Faith, which was a finalist for the 2007 Christy Awards. Lori was inducted into the Springfield Writers Hall of Fame in 2000 and lives in the beautiful Ozarks with her husband and family.

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