More Magic Of The Minimum Dose: Further case histories by a world famous homoeopathic doctor

· Random House
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Dr Dorothy Shepherd had wide experience both in Harley Street and in clinics in the poorer parts of London.

Although she had leanings towards homoeopathy during her student years, it was not until she visited Dr J.T. Kent in the U.S.A., and experienced great benefit from this therapy that she fully adopted this method of treatment in her practice. Having embarked upon a career as a homoeopath she studied the subject deeply and the more she learned the more she became convinced that it is the finest method of dealing with every type of ailment.

Being a true healer she believed that every sufferer should know of homoeopathy and in order to make it more widely known she began writing a much acclaimed series of books, the best known of which is Magic of the Minimum Dose and this book, More Magic of the Minimum Dose.

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Dr. Dorothy Shepherd grew up in South India where her father was a missionary. She studied medicine at Heidelberg medical school and in 1906, and went on to study at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Her teachers were Dienst and Tomhagen, both pupils of famous homoeopathic physician, James Tyler Kent.
Dr. Shepherd wrote several books on homoeopathy based on her clinical experience including, Homoeopathy for the 1st Aider and Magic of the Minimum Dose. In the 1940s she established a homoeopathic center in Bramshott, England. Dr Shepherd passed away in November 1952 after 45 years of service to homoeopathy.

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