Mountain Investigation

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FBI special agent Michael "Gray" Grayson had an agenda…and it didn't include protecting a beautiful loner in the wilds of Colorado who probably knew more than she was sharing. Still, the fear in Mariah Shore's amber eyes after he rescued her from the clutches of a terrorist mastermind seemed all too real. And since Gray wasn't about to watch another person suffer while he felt helpless to stop it, Mariah was now his unwilling partner in uncovering a deadly plot. Before long, looking for answers and hiding out in the cold, tight canyons of the Colorado mountains turned their investigation much more intimate. And believing in Mariah's claims of innocence gave Gray that much more to lose.

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A lifelong New Englander, Jessica Andersen received a PhD in genetics from Tufts, but when the committee head said her thesis “read like a mystery novel,” she admitted she was also writing romance. She now writes full time, and has penned more than thirty science-themed intrigues and paranormal thrillers that have hit the bestseller lists and been nominated for numerous awards. She lives in CT with a cast of four-legged friends, and is hard at work on her next novel!

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