Moving on in Neolithic Studies: Understanding Mobile Lives

· Oxbow Books


Mobility is a fundamental facet of being human and should be central to archaeology. Yet mobility itself and the role it plays in the production of social life, is rarely considered as a subject in its own right. This is particularly so with discussions of the Neolithic people where mobility is often framed as being somewhere between a sedentary existence and nomadic movements. This latest collection of papers from the Neolithic Studies Group seminars examines the importance and complexities of movement and mobility, whether on land or water, in the Neolithic period. It uses movement in its widest sense, ranging from everyday mobilities – the routines and rhythms of daily life – to proscribed mobility, such as movement in and around monuments, and occasional and large-scale movements and migrations around the continent and across seas. Papers are roughly grouped and focus on ‘mobility and the landscape’, ‘monuments and mobility’, ‘travelling by water’, and ‘materials and mobility’. Through these themes the volume considers the movement of people, ideas, animals, objects, and information, and uses a wide range of archaeological evidence from isotope analysis; artefact studies; lithic scatters and assemblage diversity.


Dr Jim Leary lectures in Archaeology at the University of Reading where he also directs of Archaeology Field School. Formally a prehistorian with English Heritage and 'Field Archaeologist in Residence' at Cambridge University, Jim Leary has many years of professional archaeological experience. He has directed major excavations, including into Silbury Hill and Marden henge, and has published widely on archaeology, specifically prehistory

Dr Thomas Kador is Teaching Fellow in Public and Cultural Engagement at University College London. His work involves connecting museum and heritage objects with a wide range of subject to support teaching, learning and research. Thomas’ background is in the prehistoric archaeology of northwest Europe with a special interest in movement, mobility and migration.




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