Mr. Duck Means Business

· Verkoop deur Simon and Schuster
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What Mr. Duck wants most in the world is a little bit of peace and quiet, but the other animals on the farm simply don’t understand. But as Mr. Duck discovers, sometimes peace and quiet can be just a little bit lonely. And making friends might mean making a little noise. Award-winning author Tammi Sauer presents a simple, short text that emphasizes the importance of friendship in a fun and effective way, with a sweet—but not too sweet—ending that will have children clamoring for repeated readings.

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Tammi Sauer is the author of All Kinds of Special, Mr. Duck Means Business, Mostly Monsterly, Chicken Dance, Cowboy Camp, and other books. She has worked as both a teacher and library media specialist. She lives in Oklahoma with her husband and two children. Visit her at

Jeff Mack has written and illustrated a long list of award-winning picture books, chapter books, and early readers, including the Clueless McGee series; the Mr. Monkey series; Good News, Bad News; Hush Little Polar Bear; Duck in the Fridge; Look!; and Dog Gets a Pet. He lives, works, and sometimes monkeys around in western Massachusetts. Visit him at

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