Kandice Miles-Scott
Overall, I liked the concept of this graphic novel. I am a huge fan of the Marvel-verse and I was super excited to get to this graphic novel! The artwork was beautiful and added greatly to the story. However, I just feel like this one wasn't for me. The characters seemed very flat and boring. The way in which the main character got her powers is still confusing to me. I loved the diversity of the cast though! Great representation. I just didn't feel this story. I did not connect to it the way I had hoped I would. Very quick read and builds up some anticipation for the next one.
5 people found this review helpful
Rick Kaufman
Applause to marvel for making the most liberal superhero ever conceived. Yay after reading this I went to a pride parade, volunteered at my local co-op maaaaan, signed a petition to raise the minimum wage to $20 hr and got gay married. This book was on sale for like 3 or 4 bucks so I said what the hell it took me three days to finish what would normally takes 30 minutes and when I was done it was easily forgotten about. so I gave it a second try strait through and it still wasn't memorable
43 people found this review helpful
Brandon Ward
I thought all in all it was a pretty good book. I realize this graphic novel was an introduction to a new character, but I felt at times there was way too much talking. That really is my only negative comment though. I feel the art fits perfectly with the attitude of the book. Kamala Khan is a fun and quirky character to get to know. In many ways it is easy to relate to her. I am not a Muslim, but her struggle with family and being an outsider is something I know many struggle with! Can't wait to read more!
20 people found this review helpful