Chantal Sorrentino
I kept reading almost without blinking. Easily relatable characters. Even though I am white, and not Muslim, I found Kamala and her family to be so familiar. Kamala as a character is inviting, adorable, and is not afraid to speak up or do what she has to do. This is a story about a teenage girl learning figuring out who she is, WHILE accidentally getting super powers, which only complicates things. I love how she fawns over all her favorite superheroes. She is just such a normal, freaking cute, relatable geek. All the characters are three dimensional. The selective showing, and "less is more" style really helps build this world up. The art style is great, unique, and dynamic. All the facial features have so much expression, and each character actually looks different, instead of a generic template with different hair like how many comics are....I also like how the female characters are not hyper sexualized, (which happens a bit too much in comics) and also, havng a brown character for a protagonist (for once) is so amazing and refreshingly different. The pacing is decent, was pretty smooth and natural, and the humor is spot on. I laughed to myself quite often while reading.
53 people found this review helpful
son of man
This was an absolutely fantastic origin story for this new character something that DC hasn't done at all and Marvel hasn't done in a long time I'm glad that we got a new character for the Ms Marvel persona it's very interesting and cool characters and all that stuff and overall it kind of gives you more decided to see what they're going to do with this new character anyone that thinks this is an SJ w doesn't know what they're talking about if you really think that way then don't read Marvel Comics there always political
7 people found this review helpful
Rick Kaufman
Applause to marvel for making the most liberal superhero ever conceived. Yay after reading this I went to a pride parade, volunteered at my local co-op maaaaan, signed a petition to raise the minimum wage to $20 hr and got gay married. This book was on sale for like 3 or 4 bucks so I said what the hell it took me three days to finish what would normally takes 30 minutes and when I was done it was easily forgotten about. so I gave it a second try strait through and it still wasn't memorable
43 people found this review helpful