Murder Unleashed: A Novel

· Mags Rogers Кніга 2 · Прадавец: Ballantine Books
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The next scintillating novel in this acclaimed author’s delightful series featuring doggedly determined canine sleuths and their intrepid human companions.
Settling into ranch life with her wire-haired dachshund, Baxter, former Wall Street trader Mags Rogers doesn’t miss the world of investment banking—because its destructive tentacles have reached Reno, Nevada, where desperate families are squatting in foreclosed homes without water or electricity. Mags and her gregarious great-aunt Jeep Reed want to help, but they’re up against corrupt officials, ruthless politicians—and a merciless murderer. After a former banker is brutally slain, Reno deputy—and Mags’s unofficial significant other—Pete Meadows finds evidence of blackmail, shady real estate ventures, and other cutthroat business practices, but the killer seems to hold all the cards. Luckily, Mags and Jeep still have a few tricks up their sleeves: Baxter; Jeep’s German Shepherd, King; and some other canine detectives are officially off the leash—and on the hunt.

BONUS: This edition includes an excerpt from Rita Mae Brown's Fox Tracks.
“Captivating . . . [Rita Mae Brown] is adept at fashioning a clever and relevant plot and filling it with amiable people—and animals. Murder Unleashed is no exception.”—Richmond Times-Dispatch

“From murder to loveable canines, this book has it all.”—Suspense Magazine
“A great mystery [with] quirky and incredibly interesting characters.”—

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Rita Mae Brown is the bestselling author of the Sneaky Pie Brown series; the Sister Jane series; A Nose for Justice and Murder Unleashed; Rubyfruit Jungle; In Her Day; and Six of One, as well as several other novels. An Emmy-nominated screenwriter and a poet, Brown lives in Afton, Virginia.

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