My Headteacher is a Vampire Rat

· Izzy and Friends 3-китеп · Nosy Crow
4 сын-пикир
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The third zippy and zany tale by Pamela Butchart sees Izzy and her friends plunged into more primary-school craziness. This time, they decide that their new head teacher is a vampire rat, based on his being slightly scary, having the blinds drawn in his office during the day and the fact he's banned garlic bread at lunchtimes. Now they just have to come up with a plan to vanquish him...

Another brilliantly funny longer read for the newly confident reader from the best-selling, award-winning, author-illustrator team, Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham.

Read more of Izzy's adventures!

Baby Aliens Got My Teacher

The Spy Who Loved School Dinners

Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies

To Wee Or Not To Wee!

There's a Werewolf in my Tent

There's a Yeti in the Playground

The Phantom Lollipop Man

Icarus Was Ridiculous

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4 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

Pamela Butchart (Author)
Pamela lives in Dundee with her baby boy and their two awesome cats, Bear & Carlos. If she wasn't working as a writer and a teacher she'd like to open a luxury hotel for stray cats.
As a child, Pamela was lucky enough to grow up in a house full of pets and go to a primary school where lots of spooky and weird things happened (well, in her imagination at least). As a student, Pamela's student jobs included: fishwife, teaching basketball in America, phlebotomist and Artist Liaison for a (really bad) Abba tribute band.
Her top selling stories include The Spy Who Loved School Dinners which won the Blue Peter Best Story Award and My Head Teacher is a Vampire Rat which won The Children's Book Award. Two of her books, Petunia Perry and the Curse of the Ugly Pigeon and There's a Werewolf in My Tent, were shortlisted for the Lollies - the Laugh Out Loud Awards.
Thomas Flintham (Illustrator)
Thomas Flintham studied BA Fine Art at De Montfort University and in 2009 he graduated with a distinction in his Masters degree in Illustration at Camberwell College of the Arts, South London.
Thomas works digitally, drawing straight into his computer with his Wacom tablet, and in the old fashioned way on paper with brush and ink and drawing pens. He loves to draw and doodle. He has a very loose grip on reality, and enjoys disappearing into his own imagination in search of new characters, worlds and ideas to draw.
His work is influenced by his interest in all kinds of books, films, comics and Japanese video games. He loves Christmas and chocolate. He owns (almost) too many books.

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